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栏目:英语自我介绍 时间:02-12 18:08:23  点击量:557
导读:1. What isimportant to you in a job?这个工作对你最重要的是什么? www.jd789.comChallenge, the feeling of accomplishment, and knowing th...

1. What isimportant to you in a job?这个工作对你最重要的是什么? www.jd789.com

  Challenge, the feeling of accomplishment, and knowing that you have made a contribution.,
  它带来的挑战感,成就感以及为之做出贡献的满足. www.jd789.com

  2. Why do you want to work for this organization?) 你为什么想到这来? 本文来自织梦

  Its reputation, the opportunities it offers, and the working conditions.
它的名气,所提供的机会以及工作环境(都吸引我). 内容来自www.jd789.com

 3. Why should we employ you?;我们为什么要雇佣你?
My academic preparation, job skills, and enthusiasm about working 我的专业背景,工作能力以及为贵公司工作的热情. 织梦好,好织梦

 4. If we hire you, how long will you stay with us?你打算在我们这工作多久?
  As long as my position here allows me to learn and to advance at a pace consistent with my abilities.
只要职务随能力增长而相应提高(就不会走) 本文来自织梦

5. What are your greatest strengths?
I can see what needs to be done and do it.我做事当机立断。我和他人容易共事。
我能有效地利用时间."   copyright www.jd789.com

6. What are your greatest weaknesses?
I tend to drive myself too hard.我有时对自己要求过于严格。 www.jd789.com

  I expect others to perform beyond their capacities.我对别人的能力期望过高。


I like to see a job done quickly.我喜欢速战速决。 织梦好,好织梦

  1. The starting salary I require is HK$6,500 per month.待遇方面,本人希望月薪六千五百港币起薪。 copyright www.jd789.com

  2. I require a salary of $4,500 a month to begin with.本人希望,月薪四千五百元起薪。


  3. The salary I require would be $60,000 a year, plus one percent commission on all sales.关于薪金,本人要求年薪六万元,同时希望获得销售额1%的分红。 www.jd789.com

  4. My desired starting salary is 10,000 yuan.本人希望起薪10,000元。 织梦好,好织梦

       5.I require a monthly salary of 12,000 yuan, plus housing.希望待遇月薪一万二千元,提供宿舍。 copyright www.jd789.com

       6. I require a commencing salary of 9,600 yuan a month.本人希望,月薪九千六百元起薪。 本文来自织梦

  7. I am quite willing to start at a small salary.起薪少一点,本人并不计较。


  8. In regards to salary, I'll leave it to you to decide after you have seen the kind of work I can do.关于薪金,请考验本人的工作后再作定夺。


       9. However, the matter of remuneration will take care of itself, as it always does, if other things are all right.不过,如其他条件具备,薪水问题自会解决。 本文来自织梦

  10. I am willing to work on a trial basis for a small salary for several months, if necessary.试用期内,本人愿意薪水低一点。

标签:英语自我介绍,英文自我介绍,英语面试自我介绍,自我介绍 - 英语自我介绍
