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栏目:英语自我介绍 时间:02-12 18:16:12  点击量:568

  我叫杨雅星,今年17岁,在常德师范学校期间,生活上我乐于与同学老师沟通,努力的协调人际关系,生活态度乐观。在社团活动中积极参与,有较强的团队合作精神。兼职工作中,具备诚实守信,工作积极,力求更好的品格,及时做好领导分配的工作任务,以及答应别人的事。同时我坚信“人的能力是有限的,努力是无限的”,只要能吃若,有耐心,恒心同时具备乐观的态度,没有做不好的事。初出茅庐可能没有太多的工作经验,但是我有坚定的信念,敢于面对困难与及时抓住机遇,并勇于挑战,勇于创新的精神,我相信自己的能力,因为我年轻。 copyright www.jd789.com

  英文自我介绍 My name is YangYaXing, this year, 17, and in changde normal school life, I am willing to during the students and teachers to communicate, interpersonal relationship, life attitude optimistic. The community activities actively involved, there is strong team spirit of cooperation. Part-time work, have honest, trustworthy, work actively to better character, in time to the task of leadership distribution, and promised to other people's business. At the same time I firmly believe that "ability is limited, effort is infinite," as long as can eat if, patience, persistence and with an optimistic attitude, didn't do bad things. At the beginning may not have much work experience, but I have the firm faith, courage to face the difficulties and promptly seize the opportunity, and willing to challenge, innovative spirit, I believe in your ability, because I am young. www.jd789.com

标签:英语自我介绍,英文自我介绍,英语面试自我介绍,自我介绍 - 英语自我介绍
