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栏目:英文简历范文 时间:02-13 00:33:32  点击量:475
导读:Gao TailuP. O. Box 211, X X University6824 X X Road, Shanghai 20XX31Job ObjectiveSeeking a position as an architectural ...

Gao Tailu

  P. O. Box 211, X X University

  6824 X X Road, Shanghai 20XX31

  Job Objective

  Seeking a position as an architectural designer for office building in a small-to-middle a sized architectural firm


  B. S. in architecture, June 2002

  X X University,  Shanghai

  Completed four-year course of architectural design

  Coursework included Urban Design, Architectural included Urban Design, Architectural Planning, Structural Engineering, Interior Decoration, Office Facilities Management, Computer-aided, Architectural Design

  Special Skills

  ★ Familarity with MS Word, MS Excel, AutoCAD, Adobe Photoshop

  ☆ Knowledge of building codes and standards

  ★ Ability to work independently

  ☆ Proficient in English, TOEFL 632, January 2001

  Summer Work

  Worked at construction projects of X X Company for past three summers

  Other Interests

  Sketching, painting, photography, develop films in dark room on request

标签:英文简历范文,英文简历模板,英文简历格式,个人简历 - 英文简历范文
